Experience – The Road to Fitz Roy, El Chaltén, Argentina.
- Address: Mirador al Chaltén – Ruta 23 llegando a, El Chalten, Santa Cruz, Argentina. (Google Maps)
- Hours: All Day
- Recommended Time: 1 hour
- How to Arrive: By car
- Distance to El Chaltén: 2.3 km / 1.42 miles
- Distance from El Calafate: 211 km / 131 miles
- Ideal Month(s): November – March
A few miles shy of the beautiful town of El Chaltén, the Mirador al Chaltén offers the breathtaking views of the road to Mount Fitz Roy that you see across social media. The town of El Chaltén is located 211 km (131 miles) from El Calafate, and serves as the jump off point for travelers interested in trekking and hiking to Laguna De los Tres at the base of Fitz Roy.